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Using the grab lift makes the storage of vehicles much easier The Grab Lift can be used on most forklift trucks that have a side shift or a spare hydraulic function

Grab Lifting Equipment

For Easier Vehicle Storage

Makes the storage of vehicles much easier and you can fit more vehicles in same area as there is no need to open the doors to move the vehicles.

With the Grab Lift, there is no damage to the roof or the underside of the vehicle when moving it.

Very simple to operate and install, the Grab Lift can be used on most forklift trucks that have a side shift or a spare hydraulic function.

All the main pivots have replaceable standard bushes and grease nipples for easy maintenance.

Vehicle mover fitted to a forklift Vehicle mover shown in the closed position Showing the vehicle mover safely lifting a vehicle Another view of the vehicle mover Drawing of the vehicle mover with the jaws closed Drawing of the vehicle mover with the jaws open

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